
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Term 2 Week 3

This week Wonderous One has been making paper planes. For maths we have been measuring how far our paper planes have gone. We have been learning about metres and centimetres. Wonderous One has been learning about space. Our big questions is, HOW IS THE EARTH DIFFERENT FROM THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE? For PE we have been learning about basketball. We were learning how to dribble.

H.A and A.F

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Term2 Week2

You would have smelt the delicious aroma of choclate if you visited us on Monday. We followed the instructions for making milo that we wrote as part of our procedural writing unit. They were all delicious with a few interesting additions like grated chocolate and mini marshmellows.We realised that instructions have to be clear and specific! A couple of groups couldn't stir their milos because it wasn't in the instructions.

We have been working hard on inquiry and have chosen our bir question;

How is the earth different from the rest of the universe?
First we have to find ourt what is in the universe. We'll keep you posted.

Great weather on Friday so we could have our winter sports rotation. groups played soccer, hockey, basketball and netball.
We've had a great week

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Term 2 Week 1

This week Wonderous One started to learn about space and wrote what we wanted to learn on a piece of paper. After that we cut out the questions and glued them onto a blank white piece of paper to organise them under headings. We started doing dear diary writing to write our own stories in our own books. Also we started to do some new Te reo. We are learning to ask the days of the week.

Ko te aha tenei ra?

Ko Ramere tenei ra.

At first only about 2 or 3 people said it but now nearly everyone wants to do it. It was a very busy week of spelling lists, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of them but some people wanted to do list 8! But that's not all Mrs Hill decided to write the ingredients for how to make a milo because we are doing procedural writing. Some did really good. Some didn't do enough on the piece of paper. Next week we are going to use our instructions to make real milos. Last of all we started to do soccer skills for P.E.

S.J. A.H.