
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mini Market

This morming we had a mini market with room 2. We recieved $10 investment money and could buy materials to create a product to sell at our mini market. We used a classification grid to work out which product we should choose to make. The teachers gave us 20 minutes to make our product. After that we advertised it to the whole group and then headed to our stalls. We had to return the original investment $10 dollars. We all recieved $3 spending money and the market began. Lots of products were bought and lots of stalls sold out. Some of us made a profit and some groups made a loss. The most sucessful group made $14 profit. It was a fun morning.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don Binney Paintings

Here are our paintings that we completed at the end of last term. I think you did an amazing job Room 1. They look fantastic. You have followed Don Binney's style well to create wonderful pieces of art.

Mrs Hill

Thursday, August 4, 2011

week 1 term 3

This week in Wonderous One we have been doing market to market for inquiry. We all designed our own 1 dollar note and had to choose 1 person to win.It was R.J. We also did our own amazing wallet designs to hold our money for market to market.We have also been doing feelings and colour poems.We also have been practicing doing sports on a Monday. The game we are learning to play is called hand ball. It is really fun doing practice.We are doing art by Wassily Kandinski that uses lots of geometic shapes. For maths we have been learning lots of fractions and percentages. A lot of people go on study ladder now and our teacher puts work on it for us to do at school and home. Also on Tuesday we won Garfield from room 2 it was really hard for our class to win.

J.L and S.B