
Monday, February 21, 2011

Term One Week Three

Hi everyone,
Wonderous One has had a very busy week. We were in charge of running assembly on Tuesday, we had a visitor on Wednesday and we have been working hard at improving our swimming skills.
We have also continued to unpack WISE and discuss what that looks like in our class and around the school.

We are looking forward to meeting families at the "Meet the Parents" evening on February 22nd.
We hope you all have a great weekend.

Jo from Seoul teaches us a new game. Did you know that there are 10 million people in Seoul.

Here is what we have learned, and what we can do, about Whanaungatanga

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Term One Week Two

Another excellent week in Wonderous One. The children have been very focussed on learning this week. They have developed Basic Fact learning goals and have been continuing to unpack WISE in our classroom.

If you would like your children to access extra Literacy or Numeracy activities at home, on line, then you can visit our team wikisite and follow the links from there.

We like to put examples of the childrens work on this blogsite, so there might be some spelling mistakes etc in their work.

Check out the name monsters the children made last week. Can you see the names as part of the monster.

And here is a picture of the ideas children had about their "Dream Classroom" and what they would do to help make Wonderous One a dream classroom.

Finally, we had one of the children bring in a fly eating pet frog this week.
The children wrote about being a fly stuck in "Scoobees Tank". Here is 2 examples of their stories.

In Scoobees Deadly Tank
Here I was minding my own business dreaming that robots were
shooting at me. Then I wake up. I figured it was only a dream.
But what I didn’t figure was how I got in to this tank with this weird looking creature.
The tank was filthy. “Has anybody heard of cleaning” I said to the weird creature. I said “What’s for tea”?, and the thing looked at me and said, “You are for tea!”. I looked and said, “No you are for tea”.
The creature said “Do you want to be my friend”?. I said “Yes” and came closer to him and shook his hand. When I was shaking his hand ……. He ate me!


In Scoobees Tank
There I was outside playing on the park and then
with a big net that went over me. What was that?
It smells like fly spray. No I’ve got to get out. But by the time I thought of an idea I went to sleep. When I got up I said to my safe where am I?
Hey I’ve seen a big green thing go past me. I started to get terrified. Wow it had long, and I mean long, legs. What can it be?
I think it is a frog. Not a frog because frogs eat flys.
The frog knows I’m in here, he is looking for me.
I have to hide. I have to hide fast .I went to the door it was open so I went for it. I got out but…
The frog got its tongue and got me.


Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Term One

Week One

This week we have been getting to know each other. We have played "Name Games" to help us rememember, we have made "Name Monsters" and have written Bio Poems.

We each talked about what our "Dream Classroom" would be like. Some people thought we should have voice controlled curtains, chocolate fountains and Ipads for everyone.
Our dream class would have people who are friendly, who try their best and who are proud of their work.

Mrs Hill started reading us "Iron Man" as a class book.

We also looked at the concept of "Integrity" as part of WISE.
Integrity means doing the right thing and being trustworthy and honest.

We are all looking forward to next week in Wonderous One
AJ and CS