
Thursday, February 16, 2012

A special visitor

Wonderous One had a special visitor today, Caniece's mouse Zip. Caniece told us all about Zip and we asked lots of questons. He was extremely cute! We have written descriptions of Zip for our first sharing book writing sample.  Thanks for the great inspiration Caniece.
Mrs Hill

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our first day

Hi again Wonderous One,
What a great first day! I really enjoyed meeting all the new people in room 1 this year. What an awesome bunch of kids you are. I am sooooooo lucky to have you in room 1 with me. It will be great getting to know you all a bit better. I am looking forward to an awesome second day and a great year of learning.
Don't forget to try out study ladder. I have set up our 2012 class and set some tasks for you to get started on :-)
Mrs Hill