
Friday, June 28, 2013

Thank you Parents

Thanks to all of the parents and family members who attended either the Boys Breakfast or the Girls High Tea on Thursday. I know the kids had a fantastic time. Thank you for your support and participation. I loved the high tea!

Super Rocket Designs

We spent Monday and Tuesday in the hall with room 2 while our rooms were being wired up for the computers. We had an awesome time. Tuesday morning we designed rockets out of newspaper.  A major goal was to cooperate with our groups to create a great rocket. Here are a few examples of our creations.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lunar Challenge

I have justed posted a new challenge under Space Fun on our blog. It is a Lunar Challenge where you have to put the moons in the right order. Have a look and see if you can meet the challenge.
Mrs Hill