Welcome back to term 4. We have been pretty busy over the last two weeks.
Last week we spent four afternoons at the B and M centre doing sports coaching skills with some UCOL sports students. We played touch, netball and volleyball. The games and activities were heaps of fun.
This week we have been having sessions with Constable Emily and Constable Sue to learn about bike safety. On Monday we will go on our road ride.
It was a great opportunity on Tuesday to walk to Intermediate Normal and watch their producton of Beauty and the Beast. IT was fun but very hot!
We also have 5 new year fours as new members of our class.
We have also worked hard on some end of year testing in spelling math and reading.
So it has been a busy couple of weeks!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Activity Auction
Today we hac an activity auction. We had to use our hard earned wonderous one dollars to bid on activities. After lunch we were able to play our activities for 30 minutes. It was heaps of fun!
Duplo, bionicles, painting, computers, ball throwing outside.,brainbox electrics, cards, marble race way. The most expensive activity was bionicles with a bid of $70.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Market to Market
We have been going to different classes for market to market. In the classes we have been making products to sell on market day. We had to choose the area we would work in.
Room 4 - food
Room 1 - paper crafts
Room 2 - competitions and service
Room 11 - kit making
Room 12 - jewellery
I joined Room 2 and my group is doing pyramid throwing competition called Throw and Hit.
We are creating lots of different products. Here are a few photos of some of our creations.
Written by S.B.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Te Papa Trip

I really enjoyed the touching the waterball in the entrance. C.S.
I really liked the golden days movie because of the moving figures. T.M-A.
The bush walk was cool because there was a cave. a waterfall and a bridge. C.V. and J. L.
The stone skeleton in the sandpit was awesome. J.P
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Black and Yellow Day
Today we had black and yellow day, our school colours, to celebrate the beginning of the rugby world cup. We made a long banner for the parade. Check out our classroom window for a rugby world cup message. Four of our class made a large CNS world cup jersey. We think they did an awesome job especially with the patterning that they used.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mini Market

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Don Binney Paintings
Thursday, August 4, 2011
week 1 term 3

J.L and S.B
Friday, July 29, 2011
Hi Wonderous One.
I hope you have had a great holiday. I know holidays are awesome but it will be nice to get back together and see each other again.
We have a great term coming up. Miss McLeay will be back for 4 weeks starting on Monday. We have an exciting new inquiry topic. I'll let you in on the secret next week. I have put up your Don Binney paintings and they look fantastic. We'll take some photos and put them on the blog next week.
Hope you have tried out study ladder. I have had a look and see that lots of you have completed heaps of activities.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Enjoy the last weekend of your holidays.
Mrs Hill
I hope you have had a great holiday. I know holidays are awesome but it will be nice to get back together and see each other again.
We have a great term coming up. Miss McLeay will be back for 4 weeks starting on Monday. We have an exciting new inquiry topic. I'll let you in on the secret next week. I have put up your Don Binney paintings and they look fantastic. We'll take some photos and put them on the blog next week.
Hope you have tried out study ladder. I have had a look and see that lots of you have completed heaps of activities.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. Enjoy the last weekend of your holidays.
Mrs Hill
Thursday, July 7, 2011
week 10 term 2
This week in wonderous one we have been doing a powerpoints about space for our place our space on inquiry. We had a big question it was how is the earth different from the rest of the universe? So on Tuesday we have to show the whole school our powerpoint we are so excited. For our fitness we are facing room 2 in hoopla for each others mascot and we know we are going to win because we have been practicing hard. We have also been doing mulitplacation and divison problems in all of our groups everyone is getting really good at timetables. We have made it so far for our taraniki sprints which is a sheet of one hundred timetables questions. One person is up to eigth timetables it is a real hard challenge. We were lucky today to have Aaron Crueden from the turbos to come and speak to us about things that he had to do to get in a high standard of rugby. We all got to have a photo with him.
J.L and S.B
J.L and S.B
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Don Binney Art
Take a look at the amazing art display on the wall in Room 1. We have used New Zealand artist Dion Binney as inspiration for these amazing pastel artworks. Come and check them out on our wall. They look amazing.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Ultra Quack Returns

We would like to announce that we have won back our class mascot Ultra Quack. After loosing him to room 12 in ball passing relay we challenged them to a game of Hoopla. Yesterday afternoon we won the challenge and got him back. Our time was 7 min 28 seconds and room 12 lasted 4 min 34 seconds. So, it was a spectacular victory. GO ULTRA QUACK!
Now we can challenge other classes. We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Term 2 Week 3

This week Wonderous One has been making paper planes. For maths we have been measuring how far our paper planes have gone. We have been learning about metres and centimetres. Wonderous One has been learning about space. Our big questions is, HOW IS THE EARTH DIFFERENT FROM THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE? For PE we have been learning about basketball. We were learning how to dribble.
H.A and A.F
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Term2 Week2
You would have smelt the delicious aroma of choclate if you visited us on Monday. We followed the instructions for making milo that we wrote as part of our procedural writing unit. They were all delicious with a few interesting additions like grated chocolate and mini marshmellows.We realised that instructions have to be clear and specific! A couple of groups couldn't stir their milos because it wasn't in the instructions.
We have been working hard on inquiry and have chosen our bir question;
How is the earth different from the rest of the universe?
First we have to find ourt what is in the universe. We'll keep you posted.
Great weather on Friday so we could have our winter sports rotation. groups played soccer, hockey, basketball and netball.
We've had a great week
We have been working hard on inquiry and have chosen our bir question;
How is the earth different from the rest of the universe?
First we have to find ourt what is in the universe. We'll keep you posted.
Great weather on Friday so we could have our winter sports rotation. groups played soccer, hockey, basketball and netball.
We've had a great week
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Term 2 Week 1
This week Wonderous One started to learn about space and wrote what we wanted to learn on a piece of paper. After that we cut out the questions and glued them onto a blank white piece of paper to organise them under headings. We started doing dear diary writing to write our own stories in our own books. Also we started to do some new Te reo. We are learning to ask the days of the week.

Ko Ramere tenei ra.
At first only about 2 or 3 people said it but now nearly everyone wants to do it. It was a very busy week of spelling lists, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of them but some people wanted to do list 8! But that's not all Mrs Hill decided to write the ingredients for how to make a milo because we are doing procedural writing. Some did really good. Some didn't do enough on the piece of paper. Next week we are going to use our instructions to make real milos. Last of all we started to do soccer skills for P.E.
S.J. A.H.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The end of term one
It is the last day of term one and we have been remembering some of the things we have done this term; new friends , class picnic, school council speeches, collage, young leaders, triathlon, duathlon, swimming sports, lido swim, wonder wall, The Iron Man novel,The Iron giant movie, assemblies, Hoopla, ripper rugby, Mascot challenge, Miss Mcleay, RE assembly, making bread, tabloid sports, Mrs Eccles art, the blog, new computer programmes, cultural celebration performance, red and black day, chopstick challenge, WISE, our square visit, sir Peter Blake award speeches... Wow! what a busy term we've had. We can't wait for term 2.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Week 6 Term 1
This week we have been writing stories describing monsters. During the week we went on "build yourwildself.com' and created our own personsal monster. We have just started writing about what would happen if we met them.
On Friday we went into the hall for a red and black parade for the Christchurch earthquake. One person in our class won a best dressed prize. Our class raised $33.10 for the earthquake appeal. Well done room 1.
We had some special visitors in our class this week from the Ministry of education. We think they must have been very impresseed with our learning. They really enjoyed speaking to us about our learning.
On Friday we went into the hall for a red and black parade for the Christchurch earthquake. One person in our class won a best dressed prize. Our class raised $33.10 for the earthquake appeal. Well done room 1.
We had some special visitors in our class this week from the Ministry of education. We think they must have been very impresseed with our learning. They really enjoyed speaking to us about our learning.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Term 1 Weeks 4 and 5
Wonderous One has had an excellent last couple of weeks. We scored the most points in the school on World Maths Day 3400.
JL scored the most of any individual in the school with over 1300 points.
We also won the Principals award at assembly last Tuesday and got the large box of WISE games for the week!
We have spent a lot of time unpacking what WISE means in our classroom and around the school.
Childrens spelling lists are now also on this blog page. If you look down the right hand side of the page you will see the link. Just click on this and it will take you to the site where the spelling list for this week is. It also links to games and activities that use the spelling words.
It is great to see that we have now had more than 200 visits to our blogpage. We are still waiting for our first overseas visitor!
Please remember that you can also visit
www.matanginui.wikispaces.com to access links to a whole range of Maths and literacy resources.
JL scored the most of any individual in the school with over 1300 points.
We also won the Principals award at assembly last Tuesday and got the large box of WISE games for the week!
We have spent a lot of time unpacking what WISE means in our classroom and around the school.
Childrens spelling lists are now also on this blog page. If you look down the right hand side of the page you will see the link. Just click on this and it will take you to the site where the spelling list for this week is. It also links to games and activities that use the spelling words.
It is great to see that we have now had more than 200 visits to our blogpage. We are still waiting for our first overseas visitor!
Please remember that you can also visit
www.matanginui.wikispaces.com to access links to a whole range of Maths and literacy resources.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Term One Week Three
Hi everyone,
Wonderous One has had a very busy week. We were in charge of running assembly on Tuesday, we had a visitor on Wednesday and we have been working hard at improving our swimming skills.
We have also continued to unpack WISE and discuss what that looks like in our class and around the school.
We are looking forward to meeting families at the "Meet the Parents" evening on February 22nd.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
Jo from Seoul teaches us a new game. Did you know that there are 10 million people in Seoul.
Here is what we have learned, and what we can do, about Whanaungatanga
Wonderous One has had a very busy week. We were in charge of running assembly on Tuesday, we had a visitor on Wednesday and we have been working hard at improving our swimming skills.
We have also continued to unpack WISE and discuss what that looks like in our class and around the school.
We are looking forward to meeting families at the "Meet the Parents" evening on February 22nd.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
Jo from Seoul teaches us a new game. Did you know that there are 10 million people in Seoul.
Here is what we have learned, and what we can do, about Whanaungatanga
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Term One Week Two
Another excellent week in Wonderous One. The children have been very focussed on learning this week. They have developed Basic Fact learning goals and have been continuing to unpack WISE in our classroom.
If you would like your children to access extra Literacy or Numeracy activities at home, on line, then you can visit our team wikisite and follow the links from there.
We like to put examples of the childrens work on this blogsite, so there might be some spelling mistakes etc in their work.
Check out the name monsters the children made last week. Can you see the names as part of the monster.
And here is a picture of the ideas children had about their "Dream Classroom" and what they would do to help make Wonderous One a dream classroom.
Finally, we had one of the children bring in a fly eating pet frog this week.
The children wrote about being a fly stuck in "Scoobees Tank". Here is 2 examples of their stories.
In Scoobees Deadly Tank
Here I was minding my own business dreaming that robots were
shooting at me. Then I wake up. I figured it was only a dream.
But what I didn’t figure was how I got in to this tank with this weird looking creature.
The tank was filthy. “Has anybody heard of cleaning” I said to the weird creature. I said “What’s for tea”?, and the thing looked at me and said, “You are for tea!”. I looked and said, “No you are for tea”.
The creature said “Do you want to be my friend”?. I said “Yes” and came closer to him and shook his hand. When I was shaking his hand ……. He ate me!
In Scoobees Tank
There I was outside playing on the park and then
with a big net that went over me. What was that?
It smells like fly spray. No I’ve got to get out. But by the time I thought of an idea I went to sleep. When I got up I said to my safe where am I?
Hey I’ve seen a big green thing go past me. I started to get terrified. Wow it had long, and I mean long, legs. What can it be?
I think it is a frog. Not a frog because frogs eat flys.
The frog knows I’m in here, he is looking for me.
I have to hide. I have to hide fast .I went to the door it was open so I went for it. I got out but…
The frog got its tongue and got me.
Have a great weekend everyone!
If you would like your children to access extra Literacy or Numeracy activities at home, on line, then you can visit our team wikisite and follow the links from there.
We like to put examples of the childrens work on this blogsite, so there might be some spelling mistakes etc in their work.
Check out the name monsters the children made last week. Can you see the names as part of the monster.
And here is a picture of the ideas children had about their "Dream Classroom" and what they would do to help make Wonderous One a dream classroom.
Finally, we had one of the children bring in a fly eating pet frog this week.
The children wrote about being a fly stuck in "Scoobees Tank". Here is 2 examples of their stories.
In Scoobees Deadly Tank
Here I was minding my own business dreaming that robots were
shooting at me. Then I wake up. I figured it was only a dream.
But what I didn’t figure was how I got in to this tank with this weird looking creature.
The tank was filthy. “Has anybody heard of cleaning” I said to the weird creature. I said “What’s for tea”?, and the thing looked at me and said, “You are for tea!”. I looked and said, “No you are for tea”.
The creature said “Do you want to be my friend”?. I said “Yes” and came closer to him and shook his hand. When I was shaking his hand ……. He ate me!
In Scoobees Tank
There I was outside playing on the park and then
with a big net that went over me. What was that?
It smells like fly spray. No I’ve got to get out. But by the time I thought of an idea I went to sleep. When I got up I said to my safe where am I?
Hey I’ve seen a big green thing go past me. I started to get terrified. Wow it had long, and I mean long, legs. What can it be?
I think it is a frog. Not a frog because frogs eat flys.
The frog knows I’m in here, he is looking for me.
I have to hide. I have to hide fast .I went to the door it was open so I went for it. I got out but…
The frog got its tongue and got me.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Term One
Week One
This week we have been getting to know each other. We have played "Name Games" to help us rememember, we have made "Name Monsters" and have written Bio Poems.
We each talked about what our "Dream Classroom" would be like. Some people thought we should have voice controlled curtains, chocolate fountains and Ipads for everyone.
Our dream class would have people who are friendly, who try their best and who are proud of their work.
Mrs Hill started reading us "Iron Man" as a class book.
We also looked at the concept of "Integrity" as part of WISE.
Integrity means doing the right thing and being trustworthy and honest.
We are all looking forward to next week in Wonderous One
AJ and CS
Week One
This week we have been getting to know each other. We have played "Name Games" to help us rememember, we have made "Name Monsters" and have written Bio Poems.
We each talked about what our "Dream Classroom" would be like. Some people thought we should have voice controlled curtains, chocolate fountains and Ipads for everyone.
Our dream class would have people who are friendly, who try their best and who are proud of their work.
Mrs Hill started reading us "Iron Man" as a class book.
We also looked at the concept of "Integrity" as part of WISE.
Integrity means doing the right thing and being trustworthy and honest.
We are all looking forward to next week in Wonderous One
AJ and CS
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