
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Splash ! All the year 5 girls have hit the water. That was the beginning of a fabulous swimming sports today. The seniors from CNS all went to the Lido today for our swimming sports and an afternoon of fun swimming. We even had the sumo king up for a bit of water wrestling. It was heaps of fun.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 6 Term 1

This week we have been writing stories describing monsters. During the week we went on "build yourwildself.com' and created our own personsal monster. We have just started writing about what would happen if we met them.

On Friday we went into the hall for a red and black parade for the Christchurch earthquake. One person in our class won a best dressed prize. Our class raised $33.10 for the earthquake appeal. Well done room 1.

We had some special visitors in our class this week from the Ministry of education. We think they must have been very impresseed with our learning. They really enjoyed speaking to us about our learning.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Term 1 Weeks 4 and 5

Wonderous One has had an excellent last couple of weeks. We scored the most points in the school on World Maths Day 3400.
JL scored the most of any individual in the school with over 1300 points.
We also won the Principals award at assembly last Tuesday and got the large box of WISE games for the week!
We have spent a lot of time unpacking what WISE means in our classroom and around the school.

Childrens spelling lists are now also on this blog page. If you look down the right hand side of the page you will see the link. Just click on this and it will take you to the site where the spelling list for this week is. It also links to games and activities that use the spelling words.

It is great to see that we have now had more than 200 visits to our blogpage. We are still waiting for our first overseas visitor!
Please remember that you can also visit
www.matanginui.wikispaces.com to access links to a whole range of Maths and literacy resources.