
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today Whaea Ngareta talked to us about Matariki. We watched a video which told us one of the stories behind Matariki. The Matarrki stars were Tane Mahuta's tears that he had thrown into the sky. We celebrate Matariki by sharing Kai and getting together with family. Matariki is the Maori new year.

Ultra Quack Returns

We would like to announce that we have won back our class mascot Ultra Quack. After loosing him to room 12 in ball passing relay we challenged them to a game of Hoopla. Yesterday afternoon we won the challenge and got him back. Our time was 7 min 28 seconds and room 12 lasted 4 min 34 seconds. So, it was a spectacular victory. GO ULTRA QUACK!

Now we can challenge other classes. We'll keep you posted.