
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Family Treasures

This term we are learning about different cultures and traditions. We are looking at traditions and stories in our own families first. I have asked the class to talk with their families about something that is a treasure in their families. The treasures don’t need to be something expensive just something that is special/important to your family. Next week we will write a description of the treasures. If you would be happy for the treasure to come to school for sharing that would be great.

As an example here is a story about a treasure of mine that I shared with the class this week.

Mrs Hills Treasure

In a drawer in my kitchen I have a special treasure.  It doesn’t look like much but it is very special to me.

My treasure is an old wooden spoon that belonged to my grandmother. It is old and very marked. The side of it is wobbly from being worn away on the side of the baking bowl. The handle is dark from all the hands that have held it. It has lost its colour and is faded like an old leaf.

When I was young my grandmother used to let me help cook and taught me how to make lots of her special recipes. I can remember standing on a stool at her bench stirring the bowl, chatting and learning about baking. Everytime I see the spoon it reminds me of the special times I had with my grandmother.

My grandmother was a very good cook and made lots of lovely cakes, biscuits and loaves. These experiences gave me a real love for baking and now I am a very keen cook and enjoy trying lots of interesting new recipes.  I have decided I am not allowed to buy anymore recipe books because I have so many. Seeing my grandmother’s old spoon reminds of my special times with her and makes me feel like I am back with her. I always feel happier after I have seen it again.

Thanks for your help

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Space Dioramas

Today we had an amazing day full of WISE behaviour, cooperation and creative ideas. We all created a shoe box diorama of our learning during Inquiry. We hope you can come along on Friday at 2pm and hear about our amazing discoveries.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Thank you Parents

Thanks to all of the parents and family members who attended either the Boys Breakfast or the Girls High Tea on Thursday. I know the kids had a fantastic time. Thank you for your support and participation. I loved the high tea!

Super Rocket Designs

We spent Monday and Tuesday in the hall with room 2 while our rooms were being wired up for the computers. We had an awesome time. Tuesday morning we designed rockets out of newspaper.  A major goal was to cooperate with our groups to create a great rocket. Here are a few examples of our creations.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lunar Challenge

I have justed posted a new challenge under Space Fun on our blog. It is a Lunar Challenge where you have to put the moons in the right order. Have a look and see if you can meet the challenge.
Mrs Hill

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Space Inquiry

We have started our exciting inquiry journey. As a class we have identified Space as an area of interest. We have thought about what we want to know and classified all of our questions. Here are our focus questions for this inquiry.
What’s Out There?
Our Big Question

How are the different parts of the universe connected?

Our subsidiary questions

1.                      What are stars?

2.                      What are planets?

3.                      What is gravity?

4.                      What is the moon?

5.                      What is the sun?

6.                      Why do we only have living things on earth?

7.                      What is a black hole?

8.                      How does the universe rotate?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Flower Making Procedures

Today we followed a procedure to make these amazing paper flowers. They are on display in our foyer. Come in and check them out.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hamburger Procedures

Have you ever wondered how to make a delicious hamburger? Well, now you can find out. Have a look at the instructions for how to make these four amazing hamburgers. We have been learning how to write clear, accurate procedures. Maybe you could try making one at home for tea. We bet it would be incredible.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Space Fun

Hi everyone. I hope you are checking out the blog for new activities. Have a look under Space Fun. I have added a new activity where you can compare the size of planets in our solar system. The size differences are amazing! I wonder who is learning about Gravity on the Gravity Launcher. Have Fun !
Mrs Hill

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cloak of Learning

Here is Wonderous One's cloak of learning. We  have looked at our graduate profile and made our own korowai using feathers that have our goals on them. We have one behaviour goal and one learning goal. We picked two things we want to improve. Come and have a look next time your at school.


Here is our completed Wonderous One Learning Community Quilt. Thank you to all the families who spent time making their quilt piece with their child. They were all very proud of their quilt pieces. It was lovely to hear and learn about each child's interests and extended family. It is great to have you all as part of our wider learning community.
Mrs Hill

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Winning Towers

The winners!
The strongest.

The tallest.

The most beautiful.

Tower Challenge

Check out our Tower Challenge. Newspaper, cellotape, staples and heaps or creative ideas. We are aiming for the strongest, the tallest and the most beautiful.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Newspaper Sculptures

Today we researched about NZ artists in our NIE Isite magazines. Rita Angus, Marti Wong, Michael Smither and Charles Goldie to name a few. Some of the artists

  had created amazing sculptures. We had a go creating a living thing from newspaper in a 10 minute sculpture challenge. It was lots of fun!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Painting Self-portraits

We have been painting the second side of our self-portraits today. They look amazing. The last stage is to use our black art pens to outline our features. The finished ones look just like us. There will be an amazing display up in our classroom next week. Here are some photos of us hard at work painting.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wonderous One's Incredible Lido Swim

Today we had the most awesome day ever. I bet you're wondering why. We were at the Lido for our swimming sports and our WISE reward swim.
Congratulations to our relay team who made a great effort in the pool for us. Well done Hayley, Jahzeal, Tatyana and Cameron.
The WISE swim was brilliant! Some of us jumped off the diving boards and a few even jumped off the top. The hydro slide was pretty busy as well.
Everyone in Wonderous One was able to participate in the WISE reward swim. We are WISE and Wonderful! Mrs Hill and Miss Beale think we're amazing.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

WISE Words from Wonderous One

We have been designing WISE posters to show others how to be WISE at CNS. Take a look at our WISE poster video.

Friday, March 8, 2013


What a great day everyone. I loved the way you all had a go and got involved with our school Triathalon. I could see you all striving for excellence and I was very impressed!!! We were lucky to have such an awesome day. I hope you had as much fun competing as I had watching you. It was fantastic to see so many of your parents their to support you as well. Well done Wonderous One!
Mrs Hill

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spelling City

Hi kids.  I wonder who will check the blog tonight and see the new link to study ladder. If you follow the link you can practice this weeks spelling words with fun games and activities. I'll check with you all tomorrow.
Mrs Hill


Today we used our first Newspapers in Education newspaper. The theme is Seas for Life. It is full of lots of interesting facts about the sea, sea life and protecting the sea.
There is a new link on the blog to the Kids Zone on the Newspapers in Education site. Have fun exploring it.
Mrs Hill

Finished Name Monsters

Here are our finished name monsters so far. They are looking really colourful and pretty amazing. If you get a chance pop in and see them up on display in our room.
Mrs Hill

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Name Monsters

First we traced our name to make a symmetrical pattern.  Mrs Hill wrote our names in fancy cursive lettering. Next we decided which way up our monster should go and started to colour it in.

After the colouring we had to carefully cut out our monster leaving a white border around our colouring.
Next we glued our name monsters onto black paper with our glue sticks. Lastly we painted PVA glue around the edges. Next week our wall display will go up. Make sure you come back and have a look when it is finished. Or come and visit us in wonderous One and take a look.
Wonderous One

Monday, February 11, 2013

Study Ladder

Hi everyone.
I have created Study Ladder classes for you. They are ready for you to start using tomorrow. I bet you can't wait to change your avatar and start earning points on the activities. I hope you enjoy doing some activities at home too.
Check out the new blog title. It is looking very sparkly!
Mrs Hill

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Welcome to 2013

What a great start we have made in Wonderous One. Welcome to our Learning Community. We have a fabulous group of year 4 and 5 students who are already getting right into their learning.  We hope you enjoy seeing what we get up to.
Mrs Hill