
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Camp ElRancho 2012

We have just been to camp at El Rancho. What an amazing three days we had. The beach, activities and movie night on Wednesday.  Instructed activities on Thursday. These included the flying fox, archery, rifles, go carts and horse riding. In the evening we enjoyed watching or participating in Camps Got Talent. Friday was the big clean up, free activities and then a swim at the Lido on the way home. Lots of tired bodies got off the bus on Friday afternoon. I had a fabulous time with your lovely children. It was great to see them achieving in a different environment. Some of them really surprised me with what they could achieve. It was great to see. Thank you for allowing me to have this special time with your children.
An extra special thank you to the parents who gave up their time and came with us as camp parents. We can't do it without you.
Raewynne Hill

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