
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Family Treasures

This term we are learning about different cultures and traditions. We are looking at traditions and stories in our own families first. I have asked the class to talk with their families about something that is a treasure in their families. The treasures don’t need to be something expensive just something that is special/important to your family. Next week we will write a description of the treasures. If you would be happy for the treasure to come to school for sharing that would be great.

As an example here is a story about a treasure of mine that I shared with the class this week.

Mrs Hills Treasure

In a drawer in my kitchen I have a special treasure.  It doesn’t look like much but it is very special to me.

My treasure is an old wooden spoon that belonged to my grandmother. It is old and very marked. The side of it is wobbly from being worn away on the side of the baking bowl. The handle is dark from all the hands that have held it. It has lost its colour and is faded like an old leaf.

When I was young my grandmother used to let me help cook and taught me how to make lots of her special recipes. I can remember standing on a stool at her bench stirring the bowl, chatting and learning about baking. Everytime I see the spoon it reminds me of the special times I had with my grandmother.

My grandmother was a very good cook and made lots of lovely cakes, biscuits and loaves. These experiences gave me a real love for baking and now I am a very keen cook and enjoy trying lots of interesting new recipes.  I have decided I am not allowed to buy anymore recipe books because I have so many. Seeing my grandmother’s old spoon reminds of my special times with her and makes me feel like I am back with her. I always feel happier after I have seen it again.

Thanks for your help

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