
Thursday, November 1, 2012

UCOL Sports

Last week we were lucky enough to go to the arena with sports science students from UCOL to get some specialised sports coaching. There were 3 sports to choose from - touch, netball and soccer We had four one hour coaching sessions. On the last day we got to use our new skills in games. Thanks UCOL we had a great time and had fun practicing our skills.

Week 3 term 4

We have been really busy in Wonderous One
  • Sun smart
  • UCOL sports at the arena
  • Bike safety with Constable  Emily
  • Basketball with Miles from the Jets
  • Grasshopper tennis with Big John
  • Keeping Ourselves Safe
  • Crazy hair and hat  day  today to raise money for Addie
  • Puberty discussions
  • Brian and his bubble gum awards
  • Miss Davies our college teacher

Bubble gum awards.
  • 1st place - Caniece with the colariser
  • 2nd place - Hami with radiation Balls
  • 3rd equal - Ashah with screamers and ghost gum and Lockie with exploding santas and viper venom.
  • Special Award - Alex for thinking up the idea of the competition
Congratulations to our winners and all of room 1 for their amazing creativity and ideas.

Wow! What a list. We have been busy.  It has been a great start to term 4 and we are looking forward to lots of other exciting things over the next few weeks.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bubblegum Designs

We have had an awesome opportunity to design new bubblegums for Brian. The winning designs might actually get produced in China and go into the shops. AMAZING! Everyone had lots of fun thinking up delicious, interesting, revolting, hilarious and weird flavours and combinations. It was a lot of fun. We learnt a lot about the things you have to consider when designing a new product; flavour, colour, the inside, the outside, originality of the idea, no TV or celebrity  names, etc. Thanks Brian for a great opportunity we hope you enjoy reading and considering our designs. We are looking forward to hearing who the winners are.

Everyone has a thank you goodie bag of lollies to take home tonight. Enjoy eating them over the holidays. I wonder if anyone can make them last the whole 2 weeks?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sonia Delaunay Calendar Art

We have been using the art of Sonia Delaunay as inspiration for our calendars this year.  We've used lots of shapes especially circles and contrasting colours to create some awesome original artworks of our own. Check them out! Next term order forms will be coming home for calendars, cards and diaries.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Production 2012

Production 2012 Where the WISE kids are.
We are looking awesome! the practices are going well and we are just adding the final touches. Remember to organise you costume - t-shirt and black pants, shorts or leggings. Tickets are available form the Regent on Broadway $12 each.  No tickets needed for students who are in the production. We are looking forward to performing for you all on Thursday September the 6th.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Swim for Life

We had an awesome time at our Swim for Life swimming lessons. We learnt heaps of new swimming skills and water safety tips. Our passports full of stickers are pretty impressive.  Everyone did really well and made impressive progress. It was an amazing programme for just ten dollars.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Exercise for Kids

Today we found out:
Kids need at least 1 hour of exercise each day.
The exercise should be moderate or vigorous exercise.
Exercise helps your body grow properly.
Exercise keeps you staying healthy and at a healthy weight.
Exercise helps you sleep at night.
It helps your body grow properly.

We surveyed 4 classes
34 children did less than 1 hour exercise a day.
42 did more than 1 hour a day.
Only 18 did more than 2 hours a day.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lung Capacity Experiment

 Mr Higginson brought a great experiement to school where we could test our lung capacity. It was lots of fun to see how hard we could blow on the tube and how large our lung capacity was.
We are learning about fitness and how our bodies work as part of our term 2 inquiry.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation 2012

I have had a special week this week graduating with a post graduate diploma from Massey Universtiy. Over the last few years it has involved a lot of hard work and late nights studying. It was great to pop in and visit Wonderous One and share my special day with them. I hope they all remember if you want something set a goal, work hard and anything is possible.
Mrs Hill

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Camp ElRancho 2012

We have just been to camp at El Rancho. What an amazing three days we had. The beach, activities and movie night on Wednesday.  Instructed activities on Thursday. These included the flying fox, archery, rifles, go carts and horse riding. In the evening we enjoyed watching or participating in Camps Got Talent. Friday was the big clean up, free activities and then a swim at the Lido on the way home. Lots of tired bodies got off the bus on Friday afternoon. I had a fabulous time with your lovely children. It was great to see them achieving in a different environment. Some of them really surprised me with what they could achieve. It was great to see. Thank you for allowing me to have this special time with your children.
An extra special thank you to the parents who gave up their time and came with us as camp parents. We can't do it without you.
Raewynne Hill

Monday, March 26, 2012

Relay for Camp

Owww! Owww! My feet hurt! Lots of us have really sore feet today after our relay for camp yesterday. We did a walkathon to raise money for camp. The winning team went around our 500m track 73 times. Everyone made a huge effort and it was an awesome day. We are looking forward to collecting all of our sponsorship money to help pay for camp.

Fantastic Heads

We have been arty smarty! Look at our awesome heads. We used our names in block letters to create some great pieces of art.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stu Duvall story teller

Yesterday Stu Duvall, a visiting story teller,told us an amazing story and drew a great pastel picture of Lion Rock at Piha during the story. Room 1 won the picture when Jamie answered his question. Today we tried to recreate Stu's style of art with some great results. Here are some photos of our efforts. Mrs Hill thinks we are pretty talented.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A special visitor

Wonderous One had a special visitor today, Caniece's mouse Zip. Caniece told us all about Zip and we asked lots of questons. He was extremely cute! We have written descriptions of Zip for our first sharing book writing sample.  Thanks for the great inspiration Caniece.
Mrs Hill

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our first day

Hi again Wonderous One,
What a great first day! I really enjoyed meeting all the new people in room 1 this year. What an awesome bunch of kids you are. I am sooooooo lucky to have you in room 1 with me. It will be great getting to know you all a bit better. I am looking forward to an awesome second day and a great year of learning.
Don't forget to try out study ladder. I have set up our 2012 class and set some tasks for you to get started on :-)
Mrs Hill

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wonderous One 2012

Hi everyone,
Welcome to 2012. It will be great to see some old and some new faces in Wonderous One this year. I can't wait to get to know you all and start our amazing learning journey.
I hope you have all had a good holiday with not too much rain and wind. I went to Lake Taupo and hardly swam at all. It was a bit disappointing but still relaxing.
I can't wait to get started!!
Mrs Hill