
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 3 term 4

We have been really busy in Wonderous One
  • Sun smart
  • UCOL sports at the arena
  • Bike safety with Constable  Emily
  • Basketball with Miles from the Jets
  • Grasshopper tennis with Big John
  • Keeping Ourselves Safe
  • Crazy hair and hat  day  today to raise money for Addie
  • Puberty discussions
  • Brian and his bubble gum awards
  • Miss Davies our college teacher

Bubble gum awards.
  • 1st place - Caniece with the colariser
  • 2nd place - Hami with radiation Balls
  • 3rd equal - Ashah with screamers and ghost gum and Lockie with exploding santas and viper venom.
  • Special Award - Alex for thinking up the idea of the competition
Congratulations to our winners and all of room 1 for their amazing creativity and ideas.

Wow! What a list. We have been busy.  It has been a great start to term 4 and we are looking forward to lots of other exciting things over the next few weeks.

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